Energy Grid - the Future

At our October Discussion Group, we invited two experts in the field of grid management to share their concepts with us.  We are inspired (to say the least) to elevate our vision to include managed energy and electric car integration and become a model for future sustainable communities.  

John "Skip" Trimble has over 30 year's executive experience in power markets.  His main focus is on markets (supply, capacity, energy efficiency, demand response and RECs); modeling, Peak Load Contribution forecasting, and innovative options (SRECs, capacity, etc.).   

Skip's experience base includes: systems development, wholesale markets, regulatory testimony, retail markets, capacity and energy markets, credit markets, risk management, generation optimization, as well as the advanced use of technology.

Dennis Rowan is VP of Marketing for VSG Energy network. VSG Energy integrates electric vehicles and solar energy to optimize DER efficiencies and maximize DER savings for customers. VSG Energy's work is supported by the National Science Foundation and the PA. Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP). Under the DEP grant, VSG Energy is integrating Electric Vehicles with the grid in a managed charging network.

Please view the YouTube videos: Dennis: / Skip: