Introducing our new blog: Altair EcoVillage in Kimberton!
/Hello all! In this first blog post, I would like to introduce myself and the intention for this new series. Let me start by telling you all a little about me. My name is Madison Chambers and I am a junior at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. I am an English writing major with a German minor. I hope to get my teaching certification to teach English and German and eventually switch to full-time nonprofit work. I love traveling, swimming in the ocean, and dogs (I have three!) I live about an hour from the Altair EcoVillage site, all the way down near the Pennsylvania-Maryland line. I first learned about Altair when researching other organizations in Kimberton, and am super excited to work with Altair and write for them!
An example of an Ecovillage and Cohousing community.
Altair is one example of an EcoVillage. EcoVillagers strive to live sustainably, both economically and ecologically. I will go into detail explaining the concept of an EcoVillage in next week’s blog post.
In addition to following the EcoVillage model, Altair uses Cohousing as their model for housing. The Cohousing model is designed to create a sense of community, like a neighborhood or village. I will also be explaining the Cohousing model in depth in another blog post!
Through this blog, I hope to share the benefits of living in an EcoVillage and the Cohousing model, what makes Altair special, and address some of the concerns that come up during the process of creating the community. I hope to write a new post each week. I want to welcome comments and would love to hear any recommendations. There is a comment section at the bottom of the blog! With the help of some of Altair’s members, I hope to publish the entries at the end of the semester in print. Finally, I would like to thank Altair for giving me this platform to write, and thank the team for their endless help throughout this process. I can’t wait to start this adventure!