Benefits of Living in Kimberton, PA

Altair residents will be able to take advantage of the natural, social, and cultural amenities of Kimberton Village, East Pikeland Township, and the surrounding environs.

Kimberton is noted for its walkable-village ambience and its legacy heritage. In regard to the latter: The Kimberton Village Historic District is distinctive enough to be included in the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. Original buildings that are listed in the National Register include the "Sign of the Bear" tavern (1768), the French Creek Boarding School (1787), and the Chrisman grist mill (1796, now serving as the post office). Additionally, there are a variety of vernacular farmhouses and barns, a grange hall, a former Quaker meetinghouse, and a historic railroad station. The original village was developed around fellowship and social gatherings centered at Chrisman’s Mill Tavern.

Kimberton is located within East Pikeland Township. Environmental consciousness is strong throughout the region. In 2019, the East Pikeland Board of Supervisors approved a resolution that sets a goal of moving the township toward 100% clean and renewable energy within the next several decades. The resolution was created to align with the “Ready for 100” initiative, a national program initiated by the Sierra Club. Drafted by its Environmental Advisory Council, East Pikeland’s resolution is one of many in the area including Phoenixville, Charlestown, Schuylkill, and West Chester.

Phoenixville, immediately next door to Kimberton, has recently blossomed into a notable cultural center. It’s home to the Colonial Theatre (opened in 1903!) which hosts events year-round such as concerts and special movie showings. The Dogwood Festival, featuring amusement rides, food vendors, and the Dogwood Parade, has been celebrated in Phoenixville each May since 1943.

Just five miles from Kimberton is the Valley Forge National Historical Park and the scenic Perkiomen Trail that travels through forests and alongside farms to the site of the Philadelphia Folk Festival, which takes place each August in Salford.

The abundance of culture, commerce, and recreation surrounding the Altair EcoVillage site, as well as the nearby area farms that sell locally at markets and food festivals, altogether are conducive to an especially appealing, sustainable, and healthy lifestyle.

For a slide show of Kimberton places, click this link: